Monday, May 23, 2011

The sky is Falling Harold Camping the Modern day Chicken Little

Here we are two days after the rapture supposed to have happened. As I read Harold Camping's May 11th interview in : " Interviewer: What will you be doing on that day? Are you just waiting for the earthquake, are you having some kind of ceremony?
Harold Camping: "There’ll be no gatherings of any kind that I have anything to do with. There'll be no — it’ll just be simply waiting, and the likelihood is that I'll be doing what everybody else will be doing, which is listening to the radio or watching TV, seeing what is happening as it begins on the other side of the world."
When I read this my skeptical antenna's went up, because why would he be watching TV or listening to a radio if the "believers" where going to be raptured away,they wouldn't be here to watch TV or listen to a radio, unless heaven or wherever the raptured are going will have TVs and radios.
Most Christians did not buy into this specific nonsense but they still believe that the rapture is going to happen. For example, Tim LaHaye famous for his Left Behind books and movies is your typical Christian response for he states in Huffington Post: "Instead, Lahaye sticks to the oft-cited passage from the Gospel of Matthew that is interpreted to mean the apocalypse will not be predicted:
But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father (Matthew 24:36).
Lahaye points out that Camping has been wrong about the date of the end times before, and he goes on to explain:
You can be sure the rapture will not occur when anyone sets a date because God wants us all to live every day as though Christ could come today. A great motto for daily living is PERHAPS TODAY. For one day it will happen and we don't know when, but we don't want you to be left behind!"
This opens a can of worms for the belief in the Trinity (that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit or Ghost are One Divine Being), for how can the Father and Son be one and they don't know what the other is thinking or knows.
This whole rapture fiasco should wake up people to even the prophecies in the bible, for they could have been just as wrong as Harold Camping and the other Henny Penny/ Chicken Little, who can't wait for the sky to fall. Think about it...
Black Socrates