Thursday, February 12, 2009
Reason Driven Life
A couple of months ago I was listening to a pod cast called The Reason Driven Life (this podcast no is longer podcasting) and it was a podcast based on the book by Robert M. Rice, PhD. It is a contra-book to the Rick Warren's mega-selling book called the Purpose Driven Life. I have not read neither the Purpose Driven Life nor Reason Driven Life but from what I heard that day, it confirmed something that I have been thinking for a long time. I am lucky that I was born (period). The odds of us even being conceived is astronomical, if you think about if one event in earth history prior to your conception had been different, you would not exist. Life is the cosmic lottery, we happen to be on a planet that is life supporting, evolved from a species that can type on a computer, that another of my species created. I am able to think about the past, plan for the future, and live in the present. Personally, I am lucky to be in the wealthiest country in the world, even though some of my ancestors came on slave ships, if one of them had made the decision to jump overboard, I would not be typing this sentence. I don't think there is a higher purpose, this is enough, just to be born and experience life; is good enough. Our evolution could have took another route, for example, I could be a starving child in a developing country or even here in the U.S., I could have been born with mental retardation or a rare incurable disease. I am writing these things or thinking about these things NOT to make me feel good at the expense of others, if anything it should make me strive to fight for scientific research and development that may one day find a cure, fight for prenatal care that could prevent some diseases, and strive to find solutions to end world hunger and disease, that is, to seek world peace. The chimpanzee or bonobo chimps could have been the ones who evolved the large brains and we could be the ones living in the trees in a jungle in Africa, Asia, or South America, all of these are possibilities in the realm of the potentiality inherent in matter-energy. As one of the guys said, this is heaven and looking forward to another life and missing this one is hell and is unreasonable. We should love our children, our spouses and everyone we meet. I am pro-life, in the sense of thinking about the possibilities of not being born, but what about a stillborn child, or one who is born but is swept away in a tsunami or another natural phenomenon. Life is a precious gift, I feel bad when I kill a spider or run over an ant hill with my lawn mower, however it seems that these events were determined to a certain extent, they could not have happen any other way, because if they could have then why these series of events come to this outcome, I guess it could have in the realm of potentiality but it didn't. All I can say is Wow! When I think about another life after this one and in the Christianity's afterlife, this one is going be eternal, to live forever, singing to and worshiping God, it would seem that after singing the same songs for a million years and saying the same praises another million years, I would have rather not existed any more, it would seem to be a bore after awhile to sing the same old songs and say the same old praises, no wonder Satan rebelled, he probably got tired of the bullsh!t, but I don't believe in the Judeo-Christian mythology as true factual, historical events, and if we would look at them as the myths they are, then the world would become a more rational place. Think about it, I and ever sentient being that exist, had an astronomical chance of not existing at all...I am not writing this to say this is proof of a higher power or purpose, but I am thinking that life is too precious to waste worrying about an afterlife that could or could not exist. In other words, I am going to play the hand I have than to worry about one I don't...Think about it....
purpose driven life,
reason driven life,
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