I am thinking about human nature and the current economic and social issues. I'm thinking specifically about class and the question what is the norm in regards to our evolutionary history. If one look at the remaining hunter-gatherer they seem to be egalitarian, however if you look at our primate cousin, i.e. Chimpanzees, Bonobos, they have somewhat of a class system or social ranking. The Alpha Male or Female (Bonobos) have a higher status than lower status chimps and bonobos, they get to eat first, have more sexual partners, get groomed by lower status members of the group. However in existing hunter-gatherers they share kills, deliberate effort is made to not boast or brag of hunting abilities. There is an article in Time, The End of Europe, by Rana Foroohar about the problems in Europe and how in the UK and the US how the top 5% makes over 30% of the income and how there is a widening gap between the have and have nots. Therefore, I am asking which is more inline with human nature? Capitalism or Socialism. John D. Socrates a.k.a. The African Socrates
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