Thursday, December 22, 2011

Happy Winter Solstice - The Real Reason for the Season

Kirk Franklin thinks Jesus is the Reason for the Season, but history tell us something different. Unless, Mr. Franklin is admitting that Christianity is really the worship of the sun god(s), not the son (sun) of god. It doesn't take much to link the hope of a new sun with the hope of new life, to a babe in a manger, which is another symbol of the hope of life, like the pine and fir trees symbolizes the hope of life in the cold of winter. Think about it...Happy Winter Solstice, Happy Birthday Mithra.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Remembering Hitch

Although his voice is now silent, he empowers ours in the Free-thought community. To Hitch. (1949 - 2011) We will continue to speak truth to power.